Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hard Drive Cleanup

Hard Drive Cleanup

Wonder why your computer is getting so slow lately? Most often, it's just your hard drive is getting full or carying too many junk files. Most of these files are temporary files and perfectly safe to be deleted. Cleaning up your hard drive every once in awhile will improve your PC performance.
You might wonder: Why Windows keeps those files if they're not necessary? "Temporary Internet Files", for example, everytime you browse to a webpage, your web browser requests the contents from the host, saves them locally as cache, then displays the contents to your browser window. Now, to speed up the access time when you come back to the same page, your web browser might re-use those cache files if they're not changed from the webpage.
"Temporary Internet Files" are just one example of the temporary files you can clean up. Follow the steps below to clean up other temporary sources as well.
Most likely, temporary files are stored in the Operating System drive ("C Drive"), but it doesn't hurt to do a cleanup all of your hard drives every once in awhile.
Use this trick at your own risks
1.     Launch the Disk Cleanup utility by either:
- "Start" >> "Programs" >> "Accessories" >> "System Tools" >> "Disk Cleanup", or:
- "Start" >> "Run", enter "cleanmgr" then press Enter.
2.     Select the disk you want to clean up from the drop-down box (i.e. "Local Disk C") and click "OK":

3.     Windows will calculate the space on your selected hard drive. This might take a few minutes depending on the size of your hard drive:


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